Monday, August 11, 2008

Mes Bon amis Gilles et Helene!

I have lots of nice new friends this summer. My favourite neighbours (mes voisines) Gilles et Helene always spend time with me and spoil me a lot!! Also, I went up north to check out the animals. Right now I have an obsession with birds and other large animals like moose, deer and Nala of course!! Some more great pictures at the cottage with my fab cousins and my special aunt Pauline! Fun times at the cottage and Diego is learning the art of canoeing.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

More photos!!

Here are some pics from going downtown to the market and riding the bike!! Also, Nala pensive at the park and Erik and Diego wearing their matching guayabara shirts.

Summer Fun!!

So Diego has been busy this summer...learning to eat apples, run fast and slide. Oh yes and Nala's in Canada so they are having lots of fun together!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Spring

Hi everybody!!
Here's are some pics of Diego in the tulips and at the swimming pool. Also, a few pics from the local park. Our little bionic boy keeps us busy running after the soccer ball and climbing everything!! His favourite activities these days..playing in the sand..dancing random jigs and climbing anything that is high and dangerous.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Caminando en mi Escuelita


Mi pastel es de helado de vainilla y le quedo a mi mama BUY RICO
Ella es mi prima y mi PAPA ellos me ayudaron apagar mis velas porque yo todavia no se pero van a ver que el proximo ano YO solo las apago Esta es toda mi familia CANADIENCE
Hicimos unos tuneles frente de mi casa y juege mucho con mis primos
En MEXICO se acomtumbra morder el pastel asi que lo tuve que hacer y me ENCANTO


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Propositos de Ano nuevo

Uno de mis propositos de ano nuevo es tomar clases de piano espero aprender pronto
Que tal todos mis regalos estan super o NO!!!

Jugando hockey

Abriendo Regalos

Estoy abriendo mis regalos gracias Santa